Lulu wears a big smile and big headphones in this frame taken from a crochet video tutorial. I am wearing an orange and blue plaid shirt and my classic blue glasses with symmetrical buns in my hair. I'm against beige backdrop in a circle. There is a background of green crochet around the circle acting as a frame.
Lulu sits on a couch smiling with a large yellow granny square in front of her, green flowery pillows rest on either side

Hi, I’m Lulu, welcome to Little Llama Crochet 🙂
This blog is inspired by becoming an aunt for the first time (thank you Lord <3) I dream gifting crochet family heirlooms to those I love.

You too?

Come join me on this journey of crochet, cuddly cats and a bit of fresh air.

The Cats of Little Llama Crochet | Who are the cuddly cats?

Gary is a mama’s boy through and through, fluffy and black he loves the camera and more so loves when he can divert my attention from the camera and whoever I am talk to

P hates photos so you won’t see her as much

and Little flower is our princess and the youngest of the three.

Aren’t pets the best?

I think so too, followed shortly by or preceded by? walks in the sun, toes in the water and digging in the dirt.
